

2018-05-02 11:19 收藏 6234

作者:本站编辑   来源:本站原创


Frédéric LOPEZ: 创始人, CEO, 艺术总监
Julien COTRET: 创始人, CTO, 开发者
Vincent NOEL: 创始人, 游戏策划, 开发者
Mathias BAGLIONI: 合伙人, 用户界面/用户体验设计师, 开发者, 游戏著作人
Christophe SAUVEUR: 开发者
Bertrand MARGOGNE: 开发者
Uriel LACROIX: 2D图形与动画设计师
Louis-Julien BERTHE: 图形与动画设计师

2、Alt Shift工作室是如何成立的?工作室有过什么游戏制作经验?

Alt Shift是一个由5名电子游戏爱好者在2010年建立的独立游戏工作室,坐落于法国南部阳光明媚的蒙彼利埃市。在《NotNot》之前我们主要在PC、Mac和手机平台上为其他公司设计、开发电子游戏。《NotNot》是第一款以工作室名义上线并大获成功的游戏。


《Not Not》是我们的用户体验设计师Mathias Baglioni的创意,他是人机界面专家,一名2012年毕业于巴黎高科的博士生。他的想法是用最简单的游戏方式——只需简单滑动——考验玩家对方向的反应。基于这个简单的想法,我们添加了否定,逻辑,颜色等设定,制作出了这样一款完整的益智游戏。


我们想创作尽可能简单的游戏,让游戏触手可及。 Ketchapp的游戏,比如《2048》,对我们的启发挺大的。




我们都是休闲益智手游的忠实玩家,不过我们也会玩Steam上的独立游戏,比如《超越光速》(FTL: Faster Than Light)、以撒的結合(Bingding of Isaac)、Steredenn等等





1.How many people are there in the team and what are the characteristics of them? 

Between 8 and 10 people depending on the projects:
Frédéric LOPEZ: Founder, CEO, Art Director
Julien COTRET: Founder, CTO, Developer
Vincent NOEL: Founder, Game Designer, Developer
Mathias BAGLIONI: Associate, UX/UI designer, Developer, Author/Designer of NotNot
Christophe SAUVEUR: Developer
Bertrand MARGOGNE: Developer
Uriel LACROIX: Graphist and 2D Animator
Louis-Julien BERTHE: Graphist and 2D Animator

2.Please describe some of your game development experience, and the reason of entering game industry?

Alt Shift is an indie game studio launched in 2010 by 5 IT university classmates, huge videogames enthusiasts. Located in the sunny South of France, in the city of Montpellier, we design and develop videogames for PC, Mac and mobile platforms. Not Not is our first big success. Before that, we worked mainly for other companies as services provider.

3.How do team members come together to develop NOTNOT? What is your original inspiration for developing this game?

Not Not is an original idea of our UX designer Mathias Baglioni, expert in human-machine interfaces (PhD in 2012, ParisTech). His idea was to create the simplest gameplay (using only the swipe move) to trick people’s reflexes about orientation (left and right). Based on this simple idea, we came up with a whole puzzle game using this principle and adding concepts as negations, logic, colors, etc.

4.What is the inspiration of the game play?

We wanted to make this gameplay as simple as possible to make it accessible for everybody. Ketchapp games were a good inspiration for this goal.

5.Any interesting stories during the development?

We knew that the game had a huge potential eraly during the playtests, when the testers became crazy and laughed a lot about losing their left and right! A famous youtuber from Brazil did some funny videos about this: 

6.What types of games do you usually like to play?

We are big fans of mobile puzzle games but we also play indie games on steam as FTL, Binding of Isaac, Steredenn, etc.

7.What is the status of indie games in your country? What is your opinion about Chinese indie game market?

The indie games market is continuously increasing its share in the videogame industry of France. Videogame is a wide and expanding area and a lot of niche markets (VR, new genres, narrative gameplay, specific communities, etc.) represent new opportunities for indie games developers like us. Although the cost for a strong visibility stays high for small studios.

8.What do you want to say to Chinese players?

We hope that Chinese Players will enjoy “Not Not” as much as we enjoyed making (and testing) it! 
Our dream would be to see videos of contests between the best “Not Not” players of China to break all the highscores!

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